The above link is to the thesis from doctoral degree, conferred by The Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences of The University of Auckland, New Zealand,There are various sections which may be of interest and I have flagged these below:
1. A review of the anatomy of the sensory supply of the upper extremity (pp 2-5) 2. The historical development of supraclavicular block (pp 5-9) 3. Phrenic nerve block secondary to supraclavicular block (pp 9-11) 4. A history of block-related nerve injury (pp 11- 14) 5. Which block for shoulder surgery? (pp 14-15) 6. The history of the sheath of the brachial plexus (pp 15-16) 7. An alternative way to classify upper extremity blocks (pp 17-20) 8. Where is the lung> (pp 20-22) 9. Understanding the relationship of the clavicle to the brachial plexus (pp 22-37) 10. 'Unmasking' the first rib (pp 37-40) 11. MRI as a tool for analysing anatomic relationships of the brachial plexus (pp 40-43) 12. A new brachial plexus block profile (pp 46-48) 13. Avoiding the phrenic nerve (pp 49-55) 14 A new anatomic model for brachial plexus block - The "Axillary Tunnel' (pp 56-62), and why the concept of the sheath is flawed (pp 63-72) 15. Integrating surface landmarks and sonoanatomy (pp 73-74) 16. Anatomic hazards beyond the ultrasound beam (p 75) 17. Ultrasound-guided axillary tunnel block (pp 75-81)